Hi, my name is Deborah Jeong. I am bilingual (이중언어구사).
I have been teaching office workers (직장인) & students 비즈니스 영어 & 일반회화 for many years.
특히, writing (business email and essays) and speaking 기초부터 확실하게 잘 가르칩니다 & 좋은 결과를 몇 달안에 보실수 있습니다.
Here is my recommendation. You can get 무료 인터뷰/수업상담/level test first before you decide whether you would like to take my class or not.
(=부담없이무료 인터뷰 & 레벨 테스트 먼저 받아보시고 수업 여부결정 하시길 추천합니다.)
If you register on a monthly basis, you can get proof reading for free, which I have been doing for other students.
(=한달 수강시, 필요한 영작에 대해 그때그때 마다 무료 첨삭해드립니다)
I will send you my resume if asked.
If you are interested, leave a message on my kakaotalk. ( JeongDeborah ). Have a nice day~
Contact Info:
katalk ID: JeongDeborah
Skype ID: jeongdeborah
Deborah Jeong