안녕하세요 저는 이번 <고득점 멘토 7기>로 활동하게 된 연어샐러드입니다. 오늘은 제가 한 달 동안 진행했던 스피킹 스터디에 관한 칼럼을 작성해보았습니다. 각자 주어진 숙제를 해오고 발표하는 방식, 고쳐야할 점 등을 알려주고 피드백을 반영하는 형식 등 다양하게 진행했었는데, 혹시 스터디에 들어갈 생각이 있으시다면 참고하시길 바랍니다!
저는 같이 토플 수업을 듣는 분들과 주5회 매일 아침 30분씩 스피킹 1번 문제를 가지고 스터디를 진행했습니다. 약 한달 기간에 4개 전 영역을 공부하려니 힘들어, 어떻게든 시간을 아끼기 위해 스피킹 1번 문제는 스터디로 그냥 해결하자는 다 같이 마음으로 시작했었습니다. 스터디를 할 수록 실력이 향상되는게 느껴지자 후반으로 갈 수록 스터디 양상을 조금씩 맞게 바꿔나가기도 했는데 라이팅에도 도움이 많이 되었습니다.
초반 스피킹 스터디 순서
1. 문제 지정
2. 스터디 전날 주제에 대한 답변 준비
3. 스터디 당일날 제한시간을 정해두고 실제 스피킹 시험처럼 발표
4. 피드백 제공(문법 교정, 더 나은 근거 제시)
후반 스피킹 스터디 순서
1. 스터디 당일 문제 지정하고 실제 스피킹 시험처럼 발표
2. 녹음본을 들어보며 주장과 근거 다시 정리
3. 피드백 제공(문법 교정, 더 나은 근거 제시)
4. 완성된 답변을 말하기
5. 주제에 대한 추가적인 영어토론 진행
혼자 공부하는 것보다 스피킹 스터디를 했을 때 장점은 다음과 같았습니다.
1. 타인의 피드백을 받을 수 있다. (빠르기, 강세와 억양, 문법 오류, 주장과 근거의 상관성)
2. 모두가 숙제를 해와야 토론이나 지적을 해줄 수 있기 때문에 하기 싫어도 억지로 준비하게 되고, 이게 습관이 들면서 말하기가 익숙해지며 실력이 향상된다.
3. 평상시에 영어로 말할 기회가 많이 없는데, 스터디에서 꾸준히 사용하면서 영어로 말하는 것 자체에 대한 거부감을 없앨 수 있다.
4. 다양한 수준의 말하기 실력을 가진 사람들이 모이기 때문에 나보다 더 잘하는 사람의 대화 습관이나 조언 등을 얻어서 내 발언에 적용시킬 수 있다.
다음은 제가 스피킹 스터디 시작 당시 강사님께 받았던 1번 문제 질문을 모아놓은 것입니다. 혹시 교재가 마땅치 않거나 스터디를 할 때 자료가 필요하신 분들을 위해 공유하려고 합니다. 3지선다 문제, 조언 제시 문제, 개인적 경험 문제, 동의/비동의 문제, 선호 문제, 묘사와 설명 문제로 이루어져있습니다.
● Three Choices Question Type
1. Your degree requires that you should choose a history course. Which of the following courses would you prefer?
(1) Art history (2) Twentieth-century world history (3) Science history
2. You will need to accomplish an assignment for a presentation. Which one will you choose? (1) Act out a scene from a play (with a partner)
(2) Explain your review of a novel you recently read
(3) Read a selection of poem.
3. If you are going to choose a roommate, which of the following qualities is the most important to you: (1) Cleanness (2) Friendliness (3) Quietness.
4. Which of the following functions of smart phones most beneficial to students? (1) taking photos (2) listening to the music (3) recording lectures
5. Three kinds of activities will be offered on a special day organized by the International Student office. Which one do you prefer?
(1) International food fair (2) International music festival (3) International film festival.
6. The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new space to it. Which space do you recommend to add to your dormitory?
(1) Café (2) Study room (3) Game room.
7. The university wants to provide students with more types of entertainment and three choices provided below. Which do you prefer and why.
(1) A theater performance by the student actors
(2) A concert provided by professional musician
(3) A lecture from a professor.
8. There is going to be a TV show that relates to students. Which show would you like to watch? (1) Interview school leaders
(2) Students’ debate on political and social topics
(3) Comedy about school life.
9. Which of the following technological developments has made the greatest impact on students’ lives? (1) Electronic books (2) Online classes (3) Smart phones
10. If you are going to choose a position in the school community during summer vacation, which one will you choose?
(1) Library desk front/ receptionist (2) Technician (3) Paint a wall in the community.
11. Which of the following choices do you think has the greatest impact on environmental protection? (1) Governmental regulations (2) Environmental awareness groups (3) Individual effort.
12. Which one would you like to choose for your final project?
(1) giving a presentation (2) writing a paper (3) creating a video.
• Giving Advice Question Type
13. What would you suggest to somebody if he was planning to come to your country to study abroad? Give details and examples to support your response.
14. Your friend wants to switch careers but doesn’t know what new career to choose. What advice would you give her and why?
15. Your friend is studying engineering and has room for one extra course in her schedule. What type of course would you recommend she take and why?
16. Your friend has just begun looking at educational programs and is having a hard time narrowing down his choices. What advice would you give?
17. Your friend’s brother has begun spending time with a group of people that your friend thinks may not be very good people. He wants to talk to his brother but does not know what to say. What advice would you give him?
18. Your friend is forgetful and often forget to submit assignments. What advice would you give to him?
19. Your friend is struggling in a math course, and he does not understand the work any better after his meetings with the professor. What advice would you give him?
20. Your friend is working at a job that pays well but that she doesn't like. She has just been offered a promotion that would mean more pay but longer hours. What advice would you give her and why?
21. Your friend doesn’t have enough money to pay for a new computer and all his textbooks at the same time. What would you suggest?
• Stating Opinions Question Type
22. Do you think the government should legislate laws to fine people who use cell phones when crossing roads and intersections?
23. Nowadays traffic congestion are increasing, what advice would you offer to the government to reduce traffic congestion?
24. Is the Internet a good or bad thing for the music industry?
25. Some people suggest students eat and drink during classes. Do you think it is a good idea? 26. Should music be treated as seriously as subjects like math or sciences at school? 27. In your opinion, what kind of behavior do people do in public that you find most inconsiderate?
• Personal Experience Question Type
28. What is your favorite song? Use reasons and details to support your answer.
29. Some events at school may seem to be negative initially. However, the experience may turn out to be positive later on. Please give your own example of an event that seemed negative at first, but later was actually positive.
30. Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.
• Agree or Disagree Question Type
31. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that female and male university students should have separate residence halls?
32. Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn some domestic skills like cooking, sewing and taking care of children?
33. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you want to succeed in business, being outgoing and friendly is very important.
34. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should forbid violence and bad language in TV programs. Use specific reasons and examples in your answer.
35. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that experienced doctors are better than young doctors?
36. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is never too late to get a degree in a university?
37. Do you agree or disagree that it is important for children to learn to draw or paint?
38. Do you agree or disagree that a celebrity should set a good example for young people? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
39. Some people believe that we should not discuss the private activities of popular people, like movie stars and singers. Do you agree or disagree with this view?
40. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before.
41. Some people think that with the development of technology and the Internet, libraries will disappear, while others think libraries are always necessary. Which opinion do you agree?
42. Some people believe old people should not take risks and participate in adventurous events as the young people. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
• Preference Question Type
43. Some universities expect the students to choose a major field of study when they enter the school; while other universities wait until the second or the third year before students deciding to choose a major field of study. Which do you prefer? Why or why not?
44. Which one do you prefer? To buy the newly-released e-product as soon as possible or to wait for a while and then decide whether you want to buy it or not.
45. Some people prefer to buy new books while some people would like to buy used books, what is your opinion?
46. If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why?
47. You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleepless or just study less and get full night’s sleep. Which will you choose?
48. Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly. Which one do you prefer?
49. Some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better?
50. Some people prefer to finish the assignment a long time before the due date while others prefer finishing assignments right before the due date. Which one do you prefer?
51. Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on television. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer?
52. Some people prefer to buy new books while some people would like to buy used books, what is your opinion?
53. Some students think it is good to choose the future career before entering the university. Others think it is good to take a few university classes before choosing the future career. Which one do you prefer?
• Description or Explanation Question Type
54. Should schools engage in character education to instill morals and values in children?
55. Some people think that those children who do not want to keep learning a musical instrument course should be required to keep learning the course; While others think that those children should be allowed to make decisions by themselves. What is your opinion and why? Use examples and details in your explanation.
56. Is it better to use your extra money to buy some objects like clothes or electronic products, or is it better to use the extra money to increase your experiences like going for a vacation or a concert? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
57. If the police stop a driver who is driving drunk (after drinking alcohol), do you think that the person’s driver’s license should be taken away? Support your answer.
58. Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effectively through doing other activities like completing projects, which one do you think is more effective?
59. Do you think it is important for parents to teach their kids to learn how to manage money? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.
60. Nowadays people use extreme methods, like surgery to change their appearance. They do this because they are trying to become more attractive. Do you think this is a good idea?
61. Do you think that parents should be allowed to educate their children at home, or should they be required to send children to school outside the home? Support your answer.
저는 스피킹 스터디를 통해 머릿속으로 문장을 빠르게 구성하는 능력, 순발력, 논리정연하게 주장과 근거를 말하는 방법을 터득하게 되어서 매우 만족했었습니다. 나중에 강좌가 끝나고 나서도 그분들과 집에서 줌으로 계속 진행했었는데 남들로부터 유용한 조언도 듣고 심리적인 위안도 얻었습니다. 수업과 토플 이외의 주제론 잘 얘기하지도 않았고, 사적으로 만난 적도 없어서 건전하게 잘 시험을 준비했던 것 같습니다.
글을 끝까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다! 사소한 것이라도 좋으니 언제든지 질문 주시길 기다리겠습니다!