Anyway, as I mentioned when we spoke, we’re very impressed by your application and by the work you’ve done. With that in mind, we are going to recommend that the ㅁㄴㅇㄹ Grad School accept you into the program here at ㅁㄴㅇㄹ. In addition, although we don’t have an assistantship/stipend to offer at this point, we can offer a partial tuition waiver to you.
The Grad School will send an official letter of acceptance via email. That letter will provide details of the acceptance and the partial tuition waiver. We were on Spring Break last week, so the process might be slowed a bit this week. Therefore, I’m not sure when you might receive the official email from the grad school. It typically takes only a day or two, but if you haven’t received anything by late next week, then please let me know.
Again, we’re very impressed with your work, and we hope to see you here at ㅁㄴㅇㄹ in the fall!
석사 프로그램에 지원했고 그 학교 측에서 보내온 메일인데요.
*원래 펀딩이 있는 프로그램인데.. 나중에라도 assistantship이랑 stipend는 받는 게 아예 불가능한 뉘앙스인가요? at this point라고 쓰셨길래 나중에는 뭔가 있나 싶은데ㅜㅜ
* official admission letter 나오면 그 때 펀딩에 관련해서 직접 학교 측에 물어봐도 되나요?