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It it common belief that financial problems cause crimes. However, others firmly believe that there are other reasons that lead to crimes such as person's nature. This is because, some people who have other innate attitudes to social rules can violate the law.
On the one hand, some experts argue that person's economic status can affect the occurrence of crimes. This is because, poor people are more likely to commit crimes in order to make a living. For example, in Korea, increasing cases of crime committed by disadvantaged people has been serious problems. They commit crimes, such as theft, because there are no other ways to maintain livelihood. This result shows that individual's economic situation should have a negative impact on the prevalence of crimes.
Nevertheless, others claim that person's nature causes crimes. That is because, the criminal's inborn way of thinking can influence on their behaviour. For instance, people called the Sociopath, known as people who have different mentality naturally, should commit many crimes because they have different viewpoint about rules and laws in society that people must follow. As a result, they commit crimes such as murder regardless of their economical status. These people are the example that personal characteristic is directly related to the crime.
To sum up, While it is apparent that there is a direct relationship between poverty and crime, it is undeniable that other causes such as personality can also affect on the occurrence of crime. Therefore, various causes of crime are considered to lower the crime rate. |