다른 지원자에 비해 인터뷰 경험이 많아, 제가 경험한 다양한 인터뷰 질문과 유형을 최대한 구체적으로 말씀드리고자 합니다.
<인터뷰 유형> 1. 1차 인터뷰 - 교수님 2~5분(admission committee or sop에 언급한 교수님들)과 30분~1시간 인터뷰 - 교수님 한 분씩과 2번의 인터뷰 - 주로 사전에 정해진 질문
2. 2차 인터뷰 - 교수님 한 분과 면담 - 지원한 전공 내 모든 교수님과 30분씩 면담 (학교 visit도 마찬가지) - 주로 학교 장점 어필 + 나의 질문에 대해 답변 - 현재 PhD 학생과 면담
3. 그 외 형식 - 지정해주신, 혹은 내가 지정하여 논문에 대해 교수님들과 연구 관심사에 대해 토론 - if 질문: 인성 관련 질문으로, ~ 상황이라면 어떻게 할래?의 형태였습니다. 흔치 않은 경우라 생략하겠습니다.
<인터뷰 질문> 아래는 모두 제가 실제로 받은 인터뷰 질문들입니다. 기본적인 질문-지원동기
1. Please introduce yourself 2. Why do you want to pursue a PhD? 3. Why do you want to pursue a PhD in organizational behavior? (전공이 달라지는 경우: Why not i/o psychology?) 4. Why our school? What’s special about our school? (Aside from research-related factors라고 묻는 학교도 있었습니다) 5. What do you expect for the PhD program? What’s the most important criteria for you to choose a PhD program? 6. What is your career goal? (post-PhD) 7. Looking ahead, what do you want to obtain through your PhD?
인성 관련 질문 1. How would you describe your working style? (How do you interact with your advisor?) 2. What qualities do you expect in an advisor to facilitate your PhD journey? (Based on specific incidents you’ve experienced) 3. What would you consider to be your weakness and which aspects do you aim to develop during your PhD program? 4. What personal traits (three skills or strengths) do you possess that will support your success in a PhD program? 5. How do you intend to manage the various demands of a PhD program (ex. workload, ambiguity, and handling critical feedback?) 6. How do you manage your stress? 7. How would you react if your advisor suggests research ideas that you are not interested in? 8. What would you do if you had to conduct a specific statistical analysis but didn't know how? 9. What do you believe differentiates successful PhD students from those who are not?
[behavioral questions] Please provide examples, describing the situation and how you handled it, or how you would handle it now. 1. Tell us about a time when you experienced interpersonal conflict 2. Tell us about a time when you received negative feedback 3. Describe a situation where you struggled during independent work 4. Can you describe a situation where you experienced failure?
연구 능력 및 경험 관련 1. (What are the weaknesses in your CV? Based on these,) What challenges do you anticipate during your PhD? 2. What is your favorite part among the research process? 3. Which research methodology do you primarily use and prefer? 4. When writing your academic paper, what is the aspect you excel at the most, and which part would you like to improve (e.g., introduction, hypothesis development, etc)? 5. When you give a presentation, what is the aspect you excel at the most, and which part would you like to improve? 6. Can you describe a situation where you experienced failure? 7. Please tell us about one of your (most impressive) research projects: a-d 한꺼번에 설명해주세요 a) What is the main topic? b) How did you come up with the idea? What motivated you to study this topic? c) What challenges did you face? d) Elaborate on this study step-by-step.
연구 계획 (sop) 관련 1. What are your specific research questions? 2. Who do you want to work with? 3. What are your research interests, and with whom would you like to collaborate with? 4. Can you elaborate on your specific research interests, as mentioned in your statement of purpose?
PhD 프로그램에 대한 질문하기 주어진 인터뷰 질문이 종료된 후, 학생이 교수님들께 질문할 시간을 줍니다. 적극적으로 질문을 하는 것이 굉장히 중요합니다. 주로 인터뷰 시간의 절반은 학생이 교수님들께 질문을 하는 시간으로 채워집니다. 이때, 궁금한 것이 없어보이거나 소극적인 태도를 보이면 불합격할 가능성이 높아집니다.
감사 메일 저는 인터뷰를 한 모든 교수님께 감사메일을 보냈습니다. 합격에 필수적인 요소는 아니지만, 세계적인 석학과 소통할 수 있는 기회라는 생각이 들어 적어도 최소한의 감사메일을 보냈습니다.